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Recycling Hot Air Balloons & Volkfest

07/06/2013 Jo Bailey News


With Bristol’s Big Green Week starting on 15th June, we thought it would be good to talk about how we recycle our balloon envelopes. The ‘envelope’ is the is the ‘balloon’ bit, and is made of a coated ripstop nylon. Our balloon envelopes generally last 5-8 years, depending on how many hours the balloon has flown and how well it has been looked after.


We have always put our old balloon baskets and envelopes to good use. We gave one of our old balloon baskets to Bristol Airport so they could use it for First Aid and Fire training. The envelopes have gone to schools and Youth Clubs for parachute games. They have also be used to decorate barns for weddings and this week-end one of our old envelopes is being used for Volkfest in Bristol which Dan one of our star crew is helping to organise. Spot Dan at the far end!



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