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Bristol’s Big Green Week 2013

15/06/2013 Jo Bailey News

Today is the start of the 3rd Bristol’s Big Green Week. The Festival runs from 15th-23rd June and is a big celebration of eco ideas, art and entertainment. It’s a really popular event with over 40,000 visitors who will to enjoy art, music, films, entertainment, inspiring talks, workshops, poetry, comedy and much more.

Festival goers can purchase a pass which gives them discounts to the activities as well as to many local restaurants, events and also 10% off our Bailey Balloons Gold Flight Vouchers.

We like to support the Big Green Week as it’s a chance to enjoy the City whilst thinking about how we can look after our environment. We have made a pledge at work to always turn the lights off when we leave a room.

Here are five more key points that we can all do! Also we recylce where we can including the many bottles of Champagne we get through as well as our old balloon envelopes!

Here are five things that the Big Green Week thinks we can all do:

Take a minute off your time in the shower which saves approx 10 litres of water each time and saves about £100 a year!
Cycle Power
Swop just one short car ride a week to cycling instead. Not only will you be fitter but you could also save a whopping £1,000.
Clean Energy
It’ simple to switch to a green energy supplier, like Good Energy, and Evo Energy who invest in creating clean, green energy.
Food Waste
Aim to bin much less waste food for two months. Get creative with your leftovers and save money too.
Fashion It Again!
Go through your old clothes and give them a new lease of life, only buy ethically for two months, or discover the charity shop bargains.


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