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Gas Balloon Briefings and Sandbags

23/08/2013 Jo Bailey News

Clive and Paul arrived in Nancy last night and after tucking into steak and chips headed to bed! Clive and Paul travelled from Bristol along with Elaine (Paul’s wife) and Peter Mossman who are crewing and retrieving for them. They were towing the gas balloon, basket and trailer packed all their equipment.

Remember you can watch the race live here from when they take off on Saturday PM.

This morning they have been organising kit and equipment.

This afternoon they attended the first full briefing from the Gordon Bennett 2013 organisers. The weather at the moment looks like a lot of rain but they hoping that the Saturday night launch will still happen.

Clive and Paul plus other members of the team have spent the afternoon filling over 80 sandbags preparing for the launch tomorrow evening.

 Finally all the sandbags are filled using 1.3 tonnes of sand!

Here they are dressed as French men! On Friday evening they attended the official opening of the Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race 2013 where the sequence of launching the balloons was drawn out of a hat. They are the 3rd team to launch!

Wilhelm Eimers, competing for Germany, is a very experienced gas balloonist and this race will be his 1000 gas balloon flight and his 23rd Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race! Clive trained with Willi and so learnt from the best!

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