Clive Bailey earlier in the year went up to Liverpool for the One Show to do some aerial filming of the Liver Birds with the Oktocopter. The birds reside on the top of the Liver Building which was built in 1911 and are the Royal Liver Friendly Society head offices, It is also known for being one the first multi-storey reinforced concrete framed buildings in Britain. What the building though, is truly famous for, are the two 18 ft high, copper bird statues on the top of the buildingcreated by George Cowper and the Bromsgrove Guild.
The two birds are in traditional poses with half upraised wings and a sprig of seaweed in their beaks, facing opposite directions, one towards the city and the other towards the River Mersey. There are many other Liver birds on Liverpool buildings but this pair are the largest and the most famous.
Clive did an amazing bit of flying to capture the birds on film so that they can viewed as previously only seen by pigeons and other birds!
The film is to be broadcast on the BBC One Show on Friday 4th October from 7.00 pm and the presenter is John Sergeant. See
Watch it on BBC Iplayer at Watch it here