There is something magical about a colourful hot air balloon gently rising in the morning air. It is no wonder that balloons have featured in movies, as they represent adventure, escape and romance. Here is a list of the top 10 balloon scenes in films:
At the end of this film, the eponymous character, played by Albert Finney, steals a hot air balloon and rises into the sky. The scene is a metaphor of Charlie’s need to escape from his troubled life.
Mysterious Island was a sequel to adventure film 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, but instead of being focused on underwater adventures, the heroes of the movie travelled across an exotic land in a hot air balloon.
This thriller, starring John Hurt, features an escape from East Germany using a hot air balloon.
In this Egyptian epic, the kidnapped Alex is rescued by the hero in a hot air balloon.
This 2004 retelling of this classic tale had Steve Coogan and Jackie Chan causing havoc in a hot air balloon.
In this adaptation of the Ian McKewan thriller, an out of control balloon interrupts a romantic proposal and sets off a dramatic chain of events.
The album Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely hearts club Band by the Beatles inspired a film with the same name, starring a host of stars including The Bee Gees and Peter Frampton. It features a glorious Los Angeles hot air balloon ride.
In this Disney animated feature, an old man ties a multitude of balloons to his house, which takes him into the sky along with a boy scout in search of adventure.
After the Wizard of Oz is revealed to be just a man and not a powerful wizard, he offers Dorothy a lift over the rainbow in his balloon, but she’s distracted when her dog Toto chases a cat.
In this 2005 version of the life of Casanova, Heath Ledger as Casanova takes a romantic balloon ride above Venice with his leading lady.
Watching a balloon flight on the silver screen is entertaining, but nowhere near as breathtaking as taking one for yourself over the stunning landscapes of Gloucester or Bristol.