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Wildlife takes to the skies in amazing hot air balloon display

01/10/2018 philip Hot Air Balloons in the UK

Last month, the 9,000-acre grounds of Longleat Safari Park played host to a spectacular aerial display of balloons attempting to break the UK record for the most hot air balloons flying at one time.

Famous for its array of spectacular wildlife including lions, elks, elephants and monkeys, visitors to Longleat on September 15 could have been forgiven for thinking the world had turned upside down as the safari in the sky took lift off. Among the 220 balloons to have travelled to the gathering from around the world were animal effigies of some of Longleat’s favourite residents, including Simbalooo the lion, Wes the wolf, and three of the penguins – Tall Steve, Puddles and Splash.

On the morning of the UK record attempt, 170 balloons simultaneously took the skies, smashing the former UK record of 130 balloons. The three-day event saw balloons taking part in a ‘night glow’ – firing their burners in time to music in a sort of hot air balloon fire dance – and a new event called ‘Shape Sunday’, where the most unusual shaped hot air balloons showed themselves off. This year, a balloon in the shape of Wellington boot, a Panasonic battery, and an Aston Martin wing were among those to have wowed the crowds.

If you’re curious about taking part in your own hot air balloon adventure, just up the road form Longleat, our hot air balloon adventure in Bath, Bristol or South Wales awaits you.

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