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Jo Bailey our MD and pilot for Bailey Balloons

07/03/2021 Jo Bailey Features, General, Hot Air Balloon News, Hot Air Balloon Stories

Jo Bailey set up Bailey Balloons over 25 years ago along with her hsuband Clive Bailey and they are both Commercial balloon pilotthumb 173 default mobiles and qualified instructors. Jo was one of four women in the U.K. to fly the larger balloons. Clive and Jo hold the altitude record from the Bristol International

Balloon Fiesta in August 1994. They also have experience of long distance balloon flights and flying at altitude. Clive proposed to Jo at 8,000 feet over Bath and they left their wedding by balloon! Their honeymoon involved ballooning over the Masai Mara in Kenya!

Jo has organised PR campaigns and stunts for companies that have obtained extensive national/worldwide media coverage for their clients, including working with David Hempleman-Adams on some of his balloon expeditions.




She flew in Canada as a stunt wpic7oman for the worldwide Land Rover advert. Jo & Clive both have extensive experience of filming and working with TV and film crews; for example: McDonald & Dodds new series on ITV, filmiing with Sir David Attenborough, BBBC Gardens from above, asssiting with one of the experiments in the BBC Crafty Tricks of War, flying a balloon over the Swiss Alps, filming for Emmerdale, Bouquet of Barbed Wire, CBBC and BBC, ITV, Sky, Channel 4 and many news and documentaries as well as dramas and films.

Some of their stunts include flying a chopper motorbike under a balloon with someone riding it and then parachuting off, a blindfolded tightrope walk at 4000 feet, 25m banners suspended from two balloons wishing the British Team good luck for the last Olympics and many more.


Jo loves her job in the ballooning world and has met amazing peopl along the way. One of her favourite celebrities is Joanna Lumley who she met when do an event for her involving tethering a blimp outside the House of Lords! Jo feels very luck and feels there are still many more adventures to come!


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