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Why do we drink champagne to celebrate a hot air balloon flight over Bath?

24/07/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

It’s customary when you land to toast a hot air balloon flight over Bath, or any other city, with a glass of champagne. This is a long tradition, but how did it start?

Hot air balloon flights and memory

17/07/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

A hot air balloon flight over Bath is an exhilarating experience that is unlikely to be forgotten. Seeing the famous landmarks of Bath from the air, the Roman Baths, the

How to be reminded of your hot air balloon flight

27/06/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

A hot air balloon flight is a thrilling peak experience people remember for the rest of their lives. If you want more than the memories, here are some

Top apps for hot air balloon enthusiasts

20/06/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

Hot air balloons are based on a simple and old technology, but modern technology can play a part in the hot air ballooning experience. There are professional apps for

How hot air balloon rides can help your business succeed

25/05/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

Good staff morale results in more productive workers and increased profits for your business. One way to improve morale is through providing incentives for your staff. Treating a

How to organise a hot air balloon party

18/05/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

People organising parties are looking for original ways to celebrate, and hot air ballooning is one party idea that different and exciting for your

What’s the best time to fly in a hot air balloon?

18/04/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

Most balloon flights take off within two hours of sunset or sunrise, but what time is best?

Virtual vs. real hot air ballooning

31/03/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

A new virtual reality (VR) experience lets people experience the thrill of riding in a hot air balloon without an actual balloon, but how does this

How do you steer a hot air balloon?

22/02/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

Unlike aeroplanes and helicopters, hot air balloons have steering restrictions. A hot air balloon pilot can ascend or descend, but has very limited means to steer left or

Ballooning over Bath – a truly memorable peak experience

02/01/2018 philip Hot Air Balloon Rides

Most people who take a hot air balloon ride over Bath regard it as a “peak experience” that they will remember for the rest of their lives.